Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pulling Up and Falling Down!

It seems like as soon as Cole figured out how to crawl, he automatically knew how to do everything else too. In the past few weeks, he has started crawling, can now go from laying to sitting, and the latest accomplishment is pulling up and cruising. (My baby-less friend asked me what cruising was, so in case you don't know, it's walking while holding onto something, like the table or the couch).

Now that Cole is pulling up, he is also falling down. A LOT! He's had a few collisions with the coffee table and one with the leg of the kitchen chair. He has two nice bruises on his forehead. Is it normal to be embarrassed about this? I feel like people will be looking at my kid and thinking, "why doesn't she watch him so we doesn't fall?" or even worse, "how did that kid get those bruises?"

Cole is pretty darn tough though. When he does fall, most of the time he doesn't even act like it phased him. A few times he's cried a little, but stopped as soon as I picked him up. The falling certainly isn't preventing him from wanting to try it again. He gets more and more daring every time he does it (letting go with one hand, bending down to pick things up while stand, etc.)

Just in case you think I posed him like that in the picture (I have been known to do this), here is a video clip.

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