Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Ok, you got's the 9th, but Cole was dressed in red, white, and blue today, so I took some pictures that I can maybe pass off as 4th pics. We didn't do much on the 4th. We bbq'd and watched fireworks from our deck (we can actually see 3 different's pretty cool). Here are the 4th pictures of Cole (taken the 9th).

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Can you say "duck"?


Monday night in the bath he picked up this little rubber duckie (which is one of his favorite bath toys) and proclaimed "duck". (Well after some prompting by Brien). Believing it was just a fluke, I've waited 2 days to post and he's said it a bunch more times since then.

On another note, we got back Sunday from an Ocean City vacation. We had a great time. I am far to lazy to post the pictures right now, so here is a link to some of the pictures from the beach.