Friday, January 11, 2008

Bathroom Talk

Everyone knows that all babies poop....a lot. It really becomes an important part of your life, once you have a baby. As soon as your baby is born, poop becomes a popular topic of conversation. The nurses in the hospital will ask you if your baby has pooped and even ask you to write it down. (they will also ask you if you've gone). You get a paper to take home to mark down dirty diapers. This lovely form includes a spot to describe the poop as well (was it black and tarry, green, yellow and seedy?). The first time you take your baby to the dr., you will be asked a battery of question about poop. Poop becomes more significant that you could ever imagine.

One of the many poop experiences you will have is the "Explosive Poop Experience". Just as it's name promises, an explosive poop explodes out of the back or sides (or both) of the diaper. This results in a huge mess and often stained clothes.

Here is an account of Cole's first poop explosion (I'm sure he will thank me for putting this on the internet when he is older):

My wonderful husband got up early one morning with Cole and allowed me to sleep for a few extra hours. After about an hour of so, my husband came busting through the bedroom door and yells out "I could use some help here" in a rather irritated tone of voice. My first thought was that Cole was fussy. I was quite unhappy to be woken from my sleep to get him to stop fussing. Once I rolled over, I realized what was going on. My husband had poop from the neckline of his t-shirt, down to his waist. Apparently, Cole has been lying on my husbands stomach. He claims he heard some poop type noises, but wanted to make sure he was finished before taking off his diaper. Suddenly he felt soaked and realized that he was encountering an explosive poop situation. He was at a loss for what to do, so he came and got me.

My plan of action included, putting the bottom half of the baby in a plastic bag, striping off his clothes, and tossing them. I also tossed my husband's t-shirt and sent them both into the shower together. Another option is to cut the baby out of his/her clothes to avoid the spread of poop.

You haven't lived until you've been pooped on.

1 comment:

AP said...

Hi Lisa,
I came across your blog after reading a post on The Nest Baby (the soon-to-be adopted mother "what do I need!!!" post). Anyways, after checking out the list, I started reading your other posts, and had to comment on this one...I had to stop reading and wipe the tears away from my eyes it was so funny! Keep blogging, it is great stuff, and as someone with "baby fever," this story helps me cool my heels a little :)
Thanks for the laugh!
(PS: Congrats on the MA in Ed... I am a middle school teacher myself)