Saturday, December 27, 2008


*WARNING: This post is not for those with weak stomachs!*

Have you ever tried googling "how to clean vomit off an Evenflo Triumph DLX"? If not, consider yourself lucky.

On the way to Aunt Karen and Uncle Rich's house in Northern VA, Cole got carsick. He was so quiet and well behaved on the way there, through the horrible traffic (stupid mixing bowl) and the long drive. About a mile away from our destination Brien and I started discussing the weird smell in the car. At first we thought it could be a dirty diaper, but then decided probably not. I had it pegged as an old napkin covered in milk that was sitting my cup holder. (It wasn't actually covered in milk, just an old napkin) While we were having this discussion, Cole was making his classic 'sniff, sniff' noise and we were giggling about his listening to our conversation.

As soon as we arrived, I went to get him from his car seat and discovered that he was covered, and I mean strip down naked, covered in vomit. His car seat was also covered (and so was his hat????). Also did I mention that I wore a cashmere sweater (dumb mommy move). Anyway, Cole was pretty easy to clean up. His car seat, which is an Evenflo Triumph DLX (if you were wondering), is another story entirely. The cover is micro suede and leather. The instruction booklet, says not to put it in the washer because of the leather...great. So we wiped it off with soapy water and left it outside for about 5 or so hours. It still smells HORRIBLE! I'm really at a loss for what to do. I've been googling for a few hours and have found pretty much nothing. This helpful blogger suggests that I throw away the car seat and buy a new one. Many others claim that the cover cleans so easily, but never actually tell me how they cleaned it. If you have any fantastic ideas please leave me a comment. Otherwise we will be disregarding the instructions, putting it in the washer, and buying a new cover if it gets ruined.

He did not get sick on the way home. I am crossing my fingers that it was a one time thing.

Sorry if you were hoping for a Merry Christmas post and got this lovely vomit filled post instead. Christmas pictures will be up in a few days.

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