Tuesday, December 2, 2008

18 months old!

Today we had Cole's 18 month appointment. He is 30.4 pounds (90%), 34.5 inches tall (95%) and his head is 49.75 cm (95%). He's such a proportionate boy!

Cole was a bit afraid of the dr's. office today. He did just fine in the waiting area, but as soon as we went back to the exam room, he got very upset. He wouldn't let me put him down to undress him or let the nurse measure him. Our pediatrician is fantastic and got him feeling comfortable enough so she could examine him. She let him play with her stethoscope and gave him a special magic wand to hold. She said he looked great and was very impressed when we were discussing a flu shot and Cole said "I no want it!"

He did get a flu shot(despite his protests) and a hepatitis A vaccine. He cried from the moment the nurse walked in with the shot until she left the room and then he was fine.

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