Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Feeding Solids

Feeding solid food can be confusing. There is so much information available on breastfeeding on the internet, but there is essentially nothing on feeding solid foods. You are pretty much on your own.

There is tons of conflicting information out there. One article will say, no dairy until the child is one and another will say start yogurt at 6 months. Your dr. will mostly tell you no egg white or berries, but some baby foods have these ingredients. It is my understanding that if it's in a baby food the ingredient has been processed in a way that reduces the allergens. This is another one of those case, where as parents we are left to our best judgment.

Cole's pediatrician gave us the go ahead to start solid food at 6 months. We started out with a veggie for dinner. We introduced one veggie at a time for 4 days just to make sure he didn't have any reactions. He absolutely LOVED all his veggies (except for peas, which he acquired a taste for later).
Cole tries green beans for the 1st time!

After that we tried oatmeal and rice cereal and then fruit. He wasn't crazy about cereals at first, but would eat them just the same. About a month ago, we decided it was time introduce meat. Cole wasn't a huge fan of plain meat and would sometimes cry or spit it out. I really can't blame him. I wouldn't want to eat pureed turkey in a jar with a spoon either. He does tolerate the meat mixtures a little better (apple chicken, macaroni beef, or turkey and rice).

Now that he is 9 months old, we are starting more and more table food. He does really well picking up finger foods.
Is there something on my face?

Every time I eat something Cole is begging for a taste. He was done very well with cooked carrots, peas, mushy broccoli, pasta noodles, and shredded cheese.
Yum - broccoli

My mom is dying to give Cole some candy or chocolate cake, but she is just going to have to wait a bit longer!

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