Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cole’s Gross Motor Evaluation

We went this afternoon for Cole’s gross motor evaluation. We talked about it a lot beforehand and I explained that Ms. Murphy, the physical therapist, was going to ask him to show her all the things that he could do. I told him it was very important that he listened to her directions and tried everything she asked. He did a phenomenal job of following instructions. I was so proud!

Anyway, he successfully ran, walked on his tip-toes, walked backward, went up and down a curb without assistance, stood on one foot (right foot) and RODE A TRICYCLE (something he was unable to do prior to today).

He was unsuccessful with jumping with 2 feet, hopping forward, standing on his left foot, walking up and down stairs with alternating feet, walking on a wide balance beam without holding onto the wall, and taking off his shirt.

The physical therapist thinks that Cole does NOT qualify for services. She is not worried about the things he could not do, because he just turned 3 (they are 3 year old milestones) and she implied that I help him too much and have created habits that are detrimental (like always taking off his clothes for him or helping him walk up stairs etc.) BAD MOMMY!

She said to keep an eye on him. Especially watching the preference for the right side. If I am concerned at all, I can call and have him reevaluated again. I am signing him up for another gymnastics class. He has agreed to do a drop off class that I don't have to stay for. It should be good prep for school in September.

Pretty much this is what I thought would happen. I really think he’s just a cautious kid. If he wants to hold on when walking on a balance beam so he doesn’t fall and bust his head open, so be it. I call it smart! Who needs to jump anyway?

image Oh, and while I’m bragging about how smart he is, he can read too! He told me the other day in the car that O-S-O spells Oso (bear in Spanish and also a character on a show on Disney, albeit a terrible show). He asked this morning what the neighbors “no sign” said. It said “No Soliciting.” I asked him how he knew it was a “no sign” and he told me N-O spells no.

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