Monday, April 14, 2008


Yesterday I spent a good hour or two putting away all of Cole's 6-9, 9-12, and 6-12 month clothes. It seems like he'd been wearing those outfits forever and it made me a little sad packing away some of my favorites. I need to go out and buy more plastic bins to store his clothes in (I filled two and still need more).

His dresser is now filled with 12-18 and 18-24 months summer clothing (of course it's cold today). You know that you've purchased way too many things when you realize that you bought the exact same pair of shorts twice! (I think I'm blaming this one on Grammy) I can't help but feel like he needs more, because he has so much less in these sizes compared to the amount I just packed away, but in reality he has plenty.

While I was cleaning out his closet, I found a few 3-6 months jackets. It's so hard to believe that he was ever that small.

On a side note, I had his foot measured at the mall on Friday. He measured a 5 Extra Wide. That's huge! 5 is the largest size available in "pre-walking" shoes and extra wide is obviously the widest you can get and is only available in certain stores.

1 comment:

Brien said...

I guess I should have mentioned that my cousin Matt wears a size 14 shoe. So Cole might have gotten some bigfoot genes.