Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Reid is 4 months!

I have been a very bad blogger. I apologize.

Reid is 4 months old. Can you believe it?

We went in for his 4 month appointment on Tuesday and he is doing well. He is 14 lbs 4 oz (25%), 25 inches long (50%), and his head is 42 cm (25%). I am a bit concerned about the percentile drop in weight, but the dr. is not. She also told us to go ahead and give veggies a try. Apparently they aren't recommending that you start with rice cereal anymore and want babies to start with vegetables to acquire a taste for them. It's amazing how things change so often. Just 2 years ago we started Cole at 6 month with rice cereal. Anyway, I stopped at the store on the way home and picked up some sweet peas. It did not go well.

It started like this:

Umm, what is this stuff?

Then he started gagging and his little eyes started watering.

I decided to put the peas away after just a few bites and Reid decided that he would eat his bib instead.

No long term damage done, but I think I will wait a few more weeks before trying again.

Cole is doing well too. We have officially made the switch to underwear and he's been keeping them dry. We do Pull-Ups for naps and bedtime and that is when he poops.

He is an extremely sweet big brother to "Reidie" (his pet name for Reid). Although at times he's a bit too helpful. I asked him the other day to bring Reid a toy while I was finishing up making dinner for him, and here is what I turned around to find:

He's not sleeping, just buried in toys.

And Cole, proud as ever of being so helpful:

Cole is going to his first real dentist appointment tomorrow. I will update soon on how that goes.

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