Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bragging about my genius son!

At his birthday party yesterday he got a new book about Thomas the Train. We read it last night before bed and he took it into bed with him to look at before he fell asleep. This morning when I went go get him (side note: he has figured out how to climb out of his bed, but we told him he's not allowed to unless Mommy or Daddy are in his room... it's actually working) he picked up his book and was paging through it. I sat in his glider and waited until he was ready to get out of bed. He then decided to tell me about the book (remember this story has been read to him ONCE).

Cole: Mommy, Thomas is sad.

Me: Why is Thomas sad?

Cole: Scared to cross the bridge. It's windy.

Me: That's right!

Cole: Oh no! Thomas' wheels went off the track.

Me: You're right. Who helped Thomas?

Cole: Harold the helicopter. Percy was scared too.

Me: Scared of what?

Cole: The windy bridge.

Can I just say that I taught 4th graders that could not identify the conflict and solution in a story. It wasn't a short simple story either, it was like a 30 page picture book.


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